How to decorate your kitchen


Kitchen is far more than just space where food is cooked. It is actually where all the family action is taking place. It’s here that you gather for a family dinner on weekends, entertain and treat your guests and so on. Some people consider that kitchen and only kitchen is the true heart of any home. 

That’s why it is so important to make this place special, cozy and appealing for you and your guests. Nowadays due to the overall spread of Internet it has become so easy to renovate your interior even without the help of professional interior designers. Internet literally abounds in various easy-to-use tips on how to renovate and simply update your kitchen. So here’s what we offer you to get inspired and make your kitchen the place you won’t ever want to leave. 

  • If you want your kitchen to look classy you should consider using black and white tiles as decorative elements. According to interior designers a monochromatic palette adds interest and personality to a room. So the fewer colours you use, the more vivid are all decorative elements featuring in the room.  Black and white zigzag pattern looks amazing running across a counter. If you don’t have enough space for that you can consider making several floating zigzag shelves for the most frequently used tools. 

  • Sometimes even such an elementary thing as changing the colour of your counter gives a fresh look to the whole room. Why not choose blue for that purpose? Pale blue is a good alternative for sleek white look.

  • Add the so-called “shelf of life” to your kitchen! It is essential you use your free space reasonably and this way prevent cluttering. In our understanding the “shelf of life” is a space-saving way to store the most frequently used things, which at the same time adds certain decorative touch to the room. For this purpose you can take an ordinary 16-cube shelving unit matching the colour of your kitchen interior and put there everything you might need in that room. In order to decorate it line the backs of the shelving unit with wallpaper with different patterns but having the same style and colour. This way you can kill two birds with one stone: store things and decorate the room.

  • Tiny kitchens can serve as a best place to demonstrate your creativity. Even despite the tight budget and square inches shortage you can make your kitchen a dream come true. One of the simplest options here is to use a gray-and-white palette for decorating the floor. This pattern will distract attention from the lack of space and visually make your kitchen bigger. You can also add a burst of charm by means of bright decorative elements such as colourful flowers or a basket with fruit.

  • Decorating a large kitchen on the contrary can be really intimidating, and in this particular case it’s better to use some neutral palette for larger objects (e.g. white walls, ivory cabinets, black granite counters). This way you will have greater flexibility and freedom updating the accents such as runners, textiles and even place settings. 


How to decorate your kitchen