Tiling outdoors


Tile is not only an attractive edition to the inside of the house, but chosen correctly and laid right, and you can have attractive tiled areas out of doors around your house, too. Tile is not only stylish, but it’s also functional, easy to maintain, and easy to keep clean.

Before you jump in and start tiling multiple areas out of doors around your house, make sure the area you’re considering, is conducive to being tiled. Not all outdoor areas are favorable for tile; due to, weather and climate, the type of use the area you want to tile, gets, and is it going to be installed in an area you can easily maintain and clean?

Some of the most common areas people like to see tiled around the outside of their home are:

  • A patio
  • Driveway
  • Front or back porch 
  • The pool deck

Tiling design

Along with the several different areas you can tile, there are different types of tile to choose from, for those areas. Ask yourself if you prefer porcelain tile, quarry, flamed granite, or slate? Depending on where you plan to lay the tile, this could influence your decision for which type you purchase. For instance, clay and glaze topped tiles contract at different rates before the tile will crack. This will make a difference in choosing.

Other specific tips for choosing tile your outdoor tile are: choose a tile that accentuates the architectural design of your home. For instance; if your home is a Spanish style home, you may want to consider a Terracotta style tile. If it is more contemporary, you may want to consider a Porcelain tile. Also, be conscientious of color. You will want the tile; even outdoor tile, to go with the color and design of your home. The color should flow with the exterior color of your home, as well as flow into the scheme of your indoor décor. 

Tile can also be used to accentuate outdoor accents; such as, on a birdbath, mailbox, or dollhouse. No matter what you decide to tile; outdoors, be sure it is free of cracks, and on solid concrete to prevent cracking, before tiling. 

Add flare to your home by tiling areas outdoors. You won’t want to overdo outdoor tile, but rather, use it to accentuate and bring out architectural features of your home.

tiles on the balcony

Tiling outdoors