The secrets of the paving tiles


The one, the only, the most notable achievement of the construction industry, a breakthrough in the sphere of manufacture and beautification – the paving tiles, or as they are usually called, the paving stone, which is produced with the usage of the technology called "vibrocasting". The paving tiles even managed to conquer the coating Olympus, defeating concrete and asphalt.

Nowadays the paving tiles can be seen anywhere we seem to step. It is difficult to imagine any track or urban space without tiles, whether it is a bus stop, a park or a walkway pavement in the city center, the area in front of the shopping center or the city's main square. Nevertheless, it should be noted that the paving stones are used not only in gigantic scales, but also in the construction of private houses and furnishing tracks of the private territory.

Paving tile

The main advantage of the paving tile over the other coatings is an enormous diversity of options and choices. Any enterprise, which is engaged in the production of paving stones, uses its own technology, such as color of paint or the method of casting. This is what creates a huge variety of patterns we happen see everywhere. Namely the uniqueness and eccentricity attracts the owners of the private houses, due to the non-surprising fact that anyone would like to stand among their friends and neighbors, along with having a pavement coating of unsurpassed quality.

One cannot say that paving tiles have only aesthetic benefits. Sidewalk tile has a high adaptability. It can be installed easily both by hand and automatically, with the help of a special machine.  

The massive advantage of the pavers is that the surface is incapable to form puddles, because the moisture penetrates the coating between the tile seams.

Paving tile

Paving stone is also very environmentally friendly. It is widely known that the substances, which the asphalt evaporates when heated, poison the air. Now you can imagine the dangers of staying in the big city during the hot summer. The tiles have no such threatening properties.

Also the paving tiles have high maintainability: the damaged parts can be easily replaced instantaneously, without implementing any large-scale works.

So, how do you choose among the paving tiles and how to pick the best one?

First and foremost, there are different types of pavers, which can be classified according to its thickness. If the coating has a thickness of 25-30 mm, it is intended for pedestrian areas, and completely inappropriate for a car parking, for example. But the 40-60 mm thick tiles can withstand enormous loads, so that they can be used for paving large parking spaces. While choosing the optimal thickness of paving tiles, which will meet your conditions and requirements, it is vitally important not to overpay. However, there are situations when unjustified additional savings may result in irreparable damage. It is imperative to follow the professional approach, weighing all the pros and cons.

Paving tile

Obviously, you are looking to buy the paving tiles, which would serve for many years and would not constitute a danger to life or any discomfort at all. There are a few essential tips, which will make your choice easier and the result will surpass all expectations:

•The surface of the tile is its main characteristic.

Paving tiles should not be slippery, so the texture of the surface must be carefully examined. The surface of the paving tiles made by the technology of vibrocompression is usually rough and rugged. The surface of the paving tiles made by the technology of vibrocasting is way less rough, more cold-resistant and excellently withstands the external temperature fluctuations

•The paving tiles also have a myriad of forms.

oThe first and most popular form is rectangular.

It is used for general paving. Since such tiles can be made in various colors, anyone can pick up a desired option on the basis of taste and needs.

oAnother form is rounded. It is used when someone wants to lay out a complex mosaic pattern. A paving stone can be rotated relatively to each other to be able to create an inventive and distinctive pattern.

oThe next form is curly. Such tiles as well are used to create a unique pattern. Nevertheless, the main advantages of such tiles are the absence of the horizontal shift and increased coupling characteristics. All this allows the tile to withstand enormous loads, along with performing a beautiful image.

o And finally, the last but not the least form - the large. As the name suggests, it is easy to guess that it features in extremely high sizes. With such tiles the creation of a simple drawing becomes a trifling matter. However, while its laying it is required to ensure whether there is no holes or failures under its base, and the soil surface was leveled carefully.

•The colored paving tiles are as fastidious, as a rose.

 When choosing colors for the paving tiles it is essential to keep in mind the conditions of its forthcoming utilization. It is also necessary to take into account the price range difference between the paving tiles of dark and light gray tones. The tile which is produced from white cement is significantly higher in price. Additional material costs and time wasted is required for the maintenance of the paving tiles of bright colors. This type of tile loses its initial appearance without a proper care in quite a short time, especially in areas with saturated traffic, for example, even a parking lot.

•Things are not what they appear

Contrary to widespread opinion, even paving slabs can be environmental. A range of paving tiles with the inclusion of the natural ingredients deserves special attention – there are natural gravel stones, quartzite and of granite origin. These pavement tiles has expressed textured surface - considerably rough, and therefore safer, much firmer than normal concrete tiles and obviously more attractive. The creators of the original design of these kinds of paving tiles sought to approximate its shape, texture, coloring, quality and beauty to the natural stone. 

The secrets of the paving tiles